Wraparound Orange - for children and youth ages 0-17
Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health
Children’s Home Society of Florida
These agencies provide youth with a mental health struggle and their families with an intensive care coordination and management process that builds a team of natural supports (friends, family, coaches, etc.) and formal supports (therapist, school counselor, etc.) for team decision-making and support. The youth and their family are also provided with a Family Partner, a peer support worker with lived experience in raising a child with a mental health disorder. Services are available in English, Spanish and Haitian Creole.
To Make a Referral please utilize one of the two options below:
Wraparound Orange
Devereux Advanced BH
- (English and Haitian-Creole speaking available)
- For referrals, please email:
- For assistance with referrals, please call
Rise Community Solutions
Breakthrough offers family peer support services. It uses a strengths-based and family-centered approach to care. Families are partnered with a Family Support Navigator (FSN), who has lived experience caring for a child with mental health needs. The FSN provides support, education, referrals, and navigation of the youth mental health system.
Breakthrough serves youth between the ages of 9 and 17 who live permanently with a caregiver in Orange County, Florida and have had at least one inpatient hospital visit within 12 months.
Integrated Behavioral Health Services (IBH)
Pediatric Associates
The Integrated Behavioral Health Services program uses SmartCare. SmartCare means families can access behavioral health providers where their child already receives pediatric care. SmartCare behavioral health consultations are free for Orange County pediatric residents with proof of residency in Orange County, Florida.
To schedule an appointment or learn more about Integrated Behavioral Health and working with a Behavioral Health Consultant, click here: https://www.behavioralsmartcare.com.
Multisystemic Therapy – Psychiatric (MST-PSYCH)
Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health
MST Psychiatric serves youth 9-17 years old at risk of placement in correctional or mental health facilities due to severe behavioral problems, drug use/abuse, and co-occurring mental health symptoms.
Families interested in working with MST-Psych must reside in Orange County, Florida, be willing to participate in family counseling sessions with the youth, and the youth must live permanently at home with the primary caregiver.
Families should expect to participate in 2-4 hours of intensive counseling services per week. Supportive services are available 24/7.
Functional Family Therapy (FFT)
BAYS Family Connection
Functional Family Therapy (FFT) is an effective, short-term, evidence-based family counseling service designed for youth who are at risk or have been referred for behavioral or emotional problems.
FFT works best for 11 to 18-year-old youth who have been referred for behavioral or emotional problems by the juvenile justice system, school, child welfare system, or mental health professionals.
Families interested in working with FFT must reside in Orange County, Florida, be willing to participate in family counseling sessions with the youth, and the youth must live permanently at home with the primary caregivers. Families should expect to be involved in about 1 to 3 hours of services each week. Services are provided Monday through Friday.
Service Providers
RISE Community Solutions – Breakthrough
- 22200 Lucien Way, Suite 325, Maitland, FL 32751
- (407) 234-4496
Program Criteria for Breakthrough
- Youth between the ages of 9-17.
- Youth residing with permanent caregivers.
- Family available and willing to participate in peer and/or counseling services.
- Families living in Orange County, Florida.
- To Make a Referral: Hello@RISEcs.org
- Learn more about Breakthrough - https://www.risecs.org/breakthrough

Pediatric Associates – Integrated Behavioral Health Services (IBH)
- Administrative Location - 11513 Lake Underhill Rd, Orlando, FL 32825
- (407) 249-1234 Ext. 3809
Program Criteria for IBH Services
- SmartCare behavioral health consultations are free for Orange County pediatric residents with proof of residency in Orange County, Florida.
- To Make a Referral or Schedule an appointment: with a Behavioral Health Consultant (BHC) - Schedule a Free Appointment
- Learn more about Integrated Behavioral Health and working with a Behavioral Health Consultant - https://www.behavioralsmartcare.com/

Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health – Multisystemic Therapy – Psychiatric (MST-PSYCH)
- 5850 T.G. Lee Blvd., Ste 400, Orlando, FL 32822
- (407) 340-8619
Program Criteria for MST - Psych
- At-risk youth between the ages of 9 and 17.
- Youth residing with permanent caregiver(s).
- Family available and willing to participate in therapy.
- Families living in Orange County, Florida.
- To Make a Referral: FLMSTPsychReferral@devereux.org
- Devereux (Services in English and Haitian-Creole) Email: FLCounseling@devereux.org
- Learn more about MST – Psych - https://www.mstservices.com/mst-psych

BAYS Family Connection – Functional Family Therapy (FFT)
- 707 Mendham Blvd., Suite 104, Orlando, FL 32825
- (407) 753-4240
Program Criteria for FFT
- Youth between the ages of 11-18 years old.
- Youth residing with permanent caregiver(s).
- Family available and willing to participate in therapy.
- Families living in Orange County, Florida.
- To Make a Referral: baysfamilyconnections@baysflorida.org
- Learn more about FFT https://www.fftllc.com/

Children’s Home Society of Florida - WRAPAROUND ORANGE
- (English and Spanish-speaking services available)
- 5768 S. Semoran Blvd., Orlando, FL 32822
- 407-896-2323
- www.chsfl.org
- For referrals, complete the form at:
- For assistance with referrals, please call (407) 896-2323
