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On April 9, 2024, the Orange County Board of County Commissioners voted to suspend its efforts to place a transportation sales tax referendum on the 2024 ballot. The decision was reached following a series of community meetings to evaluate the board's interest and resident feedback. The board was open to potentially pursuing the initiative at a later date. Improving transportation is still a priority for Orange County Government. As an alternative to a new funding source, we will continue to move forward with our Accelerated Transportation Safety Program which utilizes existing revenues for transportation-related projects.

Learn more about our Accelerated Transportation Safety Program.

Since 2019, Orange County has organized more than 200 community meetings and collected upwards of 19,000 survey responses. These inputs provided county staff with valuable insights into how our residents view the transportation issues impacting their lives. Community feedback highlighted that traffic congestion stands as the foremost transportation challenge faced by residents. They believe that building a mass transit system, which encompasses buses, trains, and other modes of transportation, is a top priority. Additionally, pedestrian and bicycle safety emerged as significant concerns.