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What We Do

The Office of Innovation & Emerging Technologies was created under Orange County Mayor Jerry L. Demings' vision to be at the forefront of cutting-edge technologies and innovations.

We aim to identify and implement innovative solutions, particularly leveraging emerging technologies, to address complex challenges, improve service delivery, enhance citizen engagement and optimize resource allocation.

We also facilitate collaboration with external partners, promoting a culture of innovation.

Orange County envisions becoming the most innovative county in the United States. To that end, the Orange County Innovation Center exists so we can create better solutions for public service, develop design thinkers, and foster a culture of Innovation, Collaboration and Inclusion — Mayor Demings' three key pillars.

“Our team collaborates across sectors to identify and implement cutting-edge technologies and innovative approaches to address complex challenges. From leveraging data analytics to optimize our service delivery to our residents, to spearheading smart city initiatives that improve infrastructure and connectivity, we are committed to driving forward-thinking solutions that promote efficiency, equity and sustainability. Through strategic partnerships and the relentless pursuit of innovation, we’re shaping the future where technology empowers our community to thrive.”
Simone Babb profile Simone Babb, Orange County Chief Innovation & Emerging Technologies Officer