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New Hire Hub

Welcome to the Orange County family!

We are thrilled you have decided to join our team. As you embark on your career journey with us, it is our pleasure to be among the first to welcome you to the OCG family. As you prepare to step into your new role, there’s a lot to learn and do. The following resources have been collected to provide timely answers to some of the more pressing questions you may have as you look forward to your first day.

Make sure to go through this page carefully to get prepared. For new employees hired into a benefit-eligible position, Orange County offers a great benefits package, and as a new employee you will be eligible for benefits starting from your hire date. However, coverage will not begin until approved by the Administrator, but no earlier than the first day of the pay period after the Election form is completed and all required enrollment documents are returned to, and processed by the Administrator. You will have 30 days from your hire date to choose your benefits.

If you have questions or need help with your benefits choices, fell free to reach out to the Benefits team at

We truly hope this marks the beginning of a successful and fulfilling career with Orange County.
2025 Benefits Handbook
2025 Wellness Resource Guide
To begin, click one of the topics on the left. left arrow


Which plan is right for You?

Additional Resources

Transparency in Coverage

These machine readable files that are made available in response to the federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and includes negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed amounts between health plans and healthcare providers. The machine-readable files are formatted to allow researchers, regulators, and application developers to more easily access and analyze data.

Required Forms

Required Forms

If you miss this deadline, you will be automatically enrolled in CORE coverage.

Upload your forms and applicable dependent documentation to our secure folder. Refer to Upload Supporting Documentation for additional details.



Which plan is right for You?

Additional Resources



What you need to know...

Additional Resources



myOCWellness covers the eight dimensions of wellness through a points-driven system that keeps wellness at the forefront. Employees and/or spouses earn points throughout the Fiscal Year (October 1, 2021 - September 30, 2022) by completing annual exams and other health-related tasks.

Once an employee and/or spouse earns at least 70 points individually, the points convert into a $20 or $40 (for both) reduction toward 2023 Cigna medical insurance premiums per pay period. Check out the complete list of incentives based on points earned, including a day off if you reach at least 130 points.

Life and Disability

Life Insurance

What is covered and paid for by the County?

What additional options may I elect?

Additional Resources


Disability Insurance

What is covered and paid for by the County?

What additional options may I elect?

Additional Resources

Retirement Planning

Retirement Planning

Florida Retirement System (FRS)

Membership is automatic immediately upon hire.

Deferred Compensation 457(B) - Vanguard

Enrollment is ongoing and optional. Start, change, or stop your deductions anytime.