Effective HIV prevention includes HIV screening and subsequent treatment. The CDC estimates that 40% of new HIV infections are transmitted by people undiagnosed and unaware they have HIV.
Providers can make an impact, helping to end the epidemic by:
Conducting routine HIV screenings for all patients
- Screening those with high-risk behavior for HIV more frequently
- Linking patients who test positive to HIV to treatment and prevention services
- Monitor and address disparities in access to medical services for communities most impacted by the epidemic, in particular people of color, and youth.
- Increase awareness and uptake of PrEP and PEP by disseminating lessons learned from existing services and implementation research within your system and to your patients
- Participate and contribute to the efforts of the health districts you serve to achieve the goals of the Strategy.
- Reduce structural barriers within your system for people to navigate health care.
- Support and strengthen integrated and patient-centered HIV and related screening (e.g. substance use, mental health, IPV) and linkage to basic services (e.g. housing, education, employment).
Resources for Providers