Advisory Board Meetings
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Contact:Nicole Brown, Nicole.Brown@ocfl.net 407-836-7446
Location:Holden Heights Community Center
1201 20th Street, Orlando, FL 32805
Description:To discuss Commission on Aging projects
Contact:Elizabeth "Liz" R. Johnson, CEP, PWS, MPA, Assistant Manager
office: 407-836-1511
cell: 321-231-9179
fax: 407-836-1499
email: liz.johnson@ocfl.net
web: www.ocepd.org
Location:Environmental Protection Division
3165 McCrory Place, Suite 200
Orlando Florida 32803
Contact:Vicki Landon, 407-836-5540.
Location:Marco Training Room, 450 E. South St., Orlando, FL 32801
Description:To discuss Cultural Tourism and Cultural Facilities grant program guidelines.
Contact:Mary Ann Horne, (407) 481-5672 ext. 305
Location:250 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 200, Orlando, FL 32801
Description:Regular Meeting
Contact:Shirley Wilson
Location:BCC Chambers
201 S. Rosalind Avenue
Orlando, FL 32801
Description:Discuss cases and unlicensed contractors.
Contact:Linda McKee, (866) 991-3652
Location:Conference Room, 5931 Brick Court, Suite 164, Winter Park, FL 32792
Description:Regular Meeting
Contact:Lisa. M. Burch
Human Resources Division
Office 407-836-5319
Location:IOC-1, 450 E. South St. Orlando Fl