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Contact:Nicola Norton, ADA Program Manager
2100 E. Michigan Street, (Mable Butler Bldg.)
Orlando, FL 32806
Location:2100 E. Michigan Street, (Mable Butler Bldg.)
2nd Floor, ABC Conference Room
Orlando, FL 32806
Contact:Tara Urbanik
Environmental Team Leader
Environmental Protection Division
Lake Management Section
3165 McCrory Place, Suite 200
Orlando, FL 32803
office: 407-836-1545
email: tara.urbanik@ocfl.net
Location:Orange County Facilities Management
Training Room
2010 E Michigan St.
Orlando, Florida
Description:Discuss the management of the Lake Conway MSTU.
Contact:Sheena Ferguson, Manager
(407) 836-7345
Location:Orange County Administration Building
201 S. Rosalind Avenue
First Floor BCC Chambers
Orlando, Florida 32801
Description:Hears Certification appeals from applicants that have been found by staff to lack the certification requirements; makes suggestions as it relates to Minority/Women Business Enterprises, and evaluates the Certification and MWBE Utilization reports.
Location:Environmental Protection Division
3165 McCrory Place, Suite 200
Orlando Florida 32803
Description:To discuss matters pertaining to the County's Green PLACE Program
Contact:Matt Suedmeyer
Division Manager
Location:Barnett Community Park
1st Floor / Dolphin Meeting Room
4801 West Colonial Drive,
Orlando, FL 32808
(Please Note Meeting Location is subject to change.)
Description:Division Updates / Report Issues / Discussions
Contact:Milinda Neusaenger, (407) 835-7611
Location:Orlando Public Library
Third Floor - Albertson Room
101 East Central Boulevard
Orlando, FL 32801
Description:Monthly Library Board of Trustees meeting
Contact:Ashana Lawrence, (407) 836-5483
Location:OMB Conference Room, Third Floor, County Administration Center, 201 S. Rosalind Avenue, Orlando, FL 32801
Description:Regular Monthly Meeting