Featured Park Events

Cool things to do
Celebrate Orange County Parks and Recreation's 100 Years in 2024... It's Just the Beginning!

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Orange County Parks and Recreation has the following fun events and community meetings:

FREE Movie in the Park: Wonka!
  • Bring your family and friends to the following parks for the FREE Movie in the Park: Wonka! This fun animated movie (rated PG, 112 mins.) starts at 6 p.m., shortly after dark. Bring lawn chairs and snacks, or purchase from food trucks (if available). No alcohol allowed in the park; no pets allowed in the viewing area. Questions? Email parks@ocfl.net or call Parks Marketing 407-836-6257.

FREE Winter Festival With Santa and Movie in the Park: The Grinch!
  • Bring your family and friends to Bithlo Community Park’s covered basketball court for the FREE Winter Festival With Santa and Movie in the Park: Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch!
    • 4-6 p.m. – Meet with Santa, enjoy hot chocolate, cookies, popcorn, cotton candy, a bounce house and fun activities!
    • 6 p.m. – Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch: This fun animated movie (rated PG, 90 mins.) starts at 6 p.m., shortly after dark. Bring lawn chairs and snacks, or purchase from food trucks (if available). No alcohol allowed in the park; no pets allowed in the viewing area. Email parks@ocfl.net or call the park 407-254-1905.

FREE Fort Christmas Barnyard Banter: Good Ole' Butter, December 21
  • All ages are welcome to join in the new Barnyard Banter program at Fort Christmas Historical Park on Saturday, December 21 from 1-2pm! This month’s free topic is Good Ole Butter. Visit Fort Christmas Historical Park for more information. Questions? Email parks@ocfl.net or call the park's staff: 407-254-9310.

Contact Us

Orange County Parks and Recreation
4801 W. Colonial Dr.
Orlando, FL 32808

To reach a specific park: click on the A–Z tab and select the park or facility you are interested in for the phone number.
Email: parks@ocfl.net
Phone: (407) 836-6200
Parks' Events InfoLine: (407) 836-6280
Facebook Events List: Orange County, Florida
Twitter: @OrangeCoParksFL

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