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Nothing Can Satisfy the Mind but God Himself
Window/Panel (INTERIOR)
Central Christian Church
About the Artwork
The mind of man is on a relentless quest for Truth. He is aware of the mystery that abounds, and is driven to reveal that which the mystery holds. Yet with each new discovery man finds his thirsting and hungering unsatisfied. This quest to know is both the blessing and the sheer pain of humanness.
This unceasing desire to know is man's unconscious search for the source of his being. It is like a river of water searching for the sea which is both the beginning and the end of all waters. The mind of man flows towards a confluence with the Almighty. Only here will the mind of man ever be satisfied.
In this window we see a bold symbolic representation of God. We are reminded the "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." Spirit has no form or substance, so it must be represented by symbols. Here it is symbolized by light penetrating darkness, and by the imaginative use of geometic shapes which are considered to be perfect, such as the circle, triangle and square. These primal shapes are not limited to jsut man, but appear in nature as if to reveal to us the perfection of God, the Creator and Sustainer of life.
The inscription, "Nothing Can Satisfy the Mind But God Himself," comes from Barton W Stone, and reflects the insight of the rational religious. The mind is an instrument created by God to be used by man in his search for Truth and meaning. Freed fromt he bondage of sin through Jesus Christ, the mind reaches out for ultimate communion with God.
Did you know?
Tuan Nguyen, the sculptor of seven figurative sculptures at the Plaza at Orange and Church Street was once a prisoner in a Vietnamese concentration camp.
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