The District Nine Medical Examiner’s Office needs your help. We have over fifty decedents that have not been
identified to date. These decedents span a time period of over twenty years. At time of death, some were young,
some were old, but all of them are just waiting for a lead to come into our office to help put a name to that
decedent. With your help, we just might get the lead we are so desperately seeking.
Visit these websites for information on District Nine’s unidentified decedents:

Florida Unidentified Decedents DataBase (FLUIDdb)
Compiles unidentified decedents of the 24 district medical examiner’s offices in Florida. This website is openly
searchable by the public and it allows you to search by gender, race, age, and date the person was last reliably
known to be alive.

National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
A national centralized repository and resource center for missing persons and unidentified decedent records.
NamUs is a free online system that can be searched by medical examiners, coroners, law enforcement officials,
and the general public from all over the country in hopes of resolving these cases. This website has extensive
information on the unidentified decedent and allows you to run advanced searches to help you narrow your
possible matches.
When reviewing these cases, if you believe you have any information that will help assist us in identifying
someone, please contact us at (407) 836-9400 (phone), or (321) 321-8172 (fax), or email