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Contact:Rachel Scott, Finance Project Manager
Visit Orlando
Telephone: (407)354-5598
Email: sportsincentivecommittee@gmail.com
Location:Orange County Administration Building
201 S. Rosalind Avenue, 1st Floor, BCC Chamber
Orlando, Florida 32801
Description:The purpose of this meeting is for the Sports Incentive Committee to review applications for sports incentive funds as authorized under the Tourist Development Plan and submit recommendations to the Board for final determination on funding requests.
Contact:Sierra Snow
Location:Microsoft Teams Meeting:
Meeting ID: 236 949 370 147
Passcode: mAgGAv
Or call in (audio only)
+1 689-206-9279,,554123184# United States, Orlando
Phone Conference ID: 554 123 184#
Description:The Implementation Team of high level stakeholders will strategically plan for the implementation of the short, mid and long term recommendations of the Orange County Mental and Behavioral Health System of Care Community Analysis. The Affordable Housing Subcommittee will strategically plan for the implementation of the long term recommendations regarding key focus area 3: affordable housing and services for homeless individuals and families.
Contact:Sara Haid, Planner
Location:Cheney Elementary School Cafeteria
2000 Forsyth Road
Orlando Fl 32807
Description:To rezone from A-2 (Farmland Rural District) to I-1 / I-5 (Industrial District Light) to allow for
the development of a
Contact:Jenale Garnett, Planner II
(407) 836-5955
Location:Lovell Elementary School - Cafeteria
815 Roger Williams Road,
Apopka, FL 32703
Description:Special Exception for a single portable food vendor in the C-1 zoning district.
Note: This is a result of Code Enforcement.
Contact:Sierra Snow
Meeting ID: 234 810 544 715
Passcode: HienSA
+1 689-206-9279,,316704542# United States, Orlando
Phone conference ID: 316 704 542#
Description:The Implementation Team of high level stakeholders will strategically plan for the implementation of the short, mid and long term recommendations of the Orange County Mental and Behavioral Health System of Care Community Analysis. The Mental Health Promotion Subcommittee will strategically plan for the implementation of the long term recommendations regarding key focus area 2: mental health promotion with an emphasis on culturally and linguistically appropriate community-wide mental health awareness.
Contact:Nicole Brown, Nicole.Brown@ocfl.net 407-836-7446
Location:Holden Heights Community Center
1201 20th Street, Orlando, FL 32805
Description:To discuss Commission on Aging projects
Contact:Irina Pashinina, Planner
Location:Corner Lakes Middle School Cafeteria
1700 Chuluota Road
Orlando Fl 32820
Description:To rezone from C-1 (Retail Commercial District) to C-2 (General Commercial District) to allow for C-2 uses including RV parking or other uses which may allow for outdoor storage of materials and/or
vehicles. Restrictions may be placed on the rezoning to limit the uses permitted and/or to require certain improvements to the property for compatibility purposes (for example: buffer, landscaping, etc.).
Contact:Taylor Jones, AICP
Location:Walker Middle School - Media Center
150 Amidon Lane
Orlando, FL 32809
Description:Special Exception in the I-4 zoning district to allow a septage management facility.
Contact:Marcia Davis, (407) 855-1705
Location:Holden Heights Community Center, 1201 20th Street, Orlando, FL
Description:Regular Monthly Meeting
Location:Orange County Public Works Department
4200 South John Young Parkway
Orlando, Florida 32839
1st. Floor, Main Conference Room
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