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Contact:Shonda Upson
Location:Great Oaks Village Training Room
1768 E. Michigan Street
Orlando, FL 32806
Description:Advisory Board
Contact:Shashondalyn Upson
Location:Great Oaks Village Training Room
1768 E. Michigan Street
Orlando, FL 32806
Description:Advisory Board
Contact:Jenale Garnett, Planner I
(407) 836-5955
Location:Prairie Lake Elementary School - Media Center
8723 Hackney Prairie Road
Orlando, FL 32818
Description:REQUEST: Amendment to an existing Special Exception and Variance in the A-1 zoning district as follows:
1) Amendment to a Special Exception for an existing private school to allow K through 12 and to increase enrollment from 150 students to 325 students.
2) Variance to allow for 60 grass parking spaces in lieu of paved.
Contact:Jenale Garnett, Planner I
(407) 836-5955
Location:Prairie Lake Elementary School ? Media Center
8723 Hackney Prairie Road
Orlando, FL 32818
Description:REQUEST: Amendment to an existing Special Exception and Variance in the A-1 zoning district as follows:
1) Amendment to a Special Exception for an existing private school to allow K through 12 and to increase enrollment from 150 students to 325 students.
2) Variance to allow for 60 grass parking spaces in lieu of paved.
Contact:parks@ocfl.net, www.OrangeCountyParks.net, Parks Marketing 407-836-6257
Location:Downey Park, 10107 Flowers Avenue, Orlando
Description:Join Orange County Parks and Recreation staff for the Downey Park pickleball courts groundbreaking on Tuesday, August 29, at 10 a.m., hosted by Orange County Mayor Jerry L. Demings and District 4 Commissioner Maribel Gomez Cordero. Questions? Email parks@ocfl.net.
Contact:Marissa Drake
Location:Edgewood City Hall
405 Larue Ave
Edgewood, FL 32809
Description:Special Meeting:
Meeting to discuss high water elevation and drainage concerns on Lake Mary Jess
Contact:Jason Sorensen, Chief Planner
Location:Ba Meadows Elementary School
9150 S Apopka Vineland Road
Orlando Fl 32836
Description:To rezone 261.72 acres from A-2 (Farmland Rural District) to PD (Planned Development ? Tuscana PD) in order to construct 1,266,000 square feet of commercial uses, 2,790 hotel rooms, and 5,300 multi-family dwelling units. In addition, eleven (11) waivers are requested from Orange County Code regarding open space, bicycle parking, building and paving setbacks,impervious coverage, building height, and building coverage.
Contact:Liz Johnson, Liz.Johnson@ocfl.net.
Location:Orange County EPD, 3165 McCrory Place, Suite 200, Orlando Fl 32803, Panther Training Rooms I and II
Location:Internal Operations Centre II
400 East South Street
2nd Floor, Procurement Division Lobby
Description:This is a public bid opening of IFBs and RFPs; this opening may include construction bids.
Contact:Christina Bankuty
Human Resources Division, Benefits Team
Location:Executive Conference Room, Fifth Floor
201 S Rosalind Ave, Orlando FL 32801
Description:Employee Benefits for Orange County Employees
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