Want to know what's going on at your Orange County Parks & Recreation center? Then this link is for you...Just for Fun!
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Contact:Deborah Jenkins 407-836-4256
Karen Bourgeois 407-836-4259
Deborah Arthurs 407-836-4254
Location:County Administrative Building
201 S Rosalind Ave, 1st Floor
Orlando, FL 32801
Contact:Vicki Landon, 407-836-5540
Location:Room 105, 201 S. Roseland Ave., Orlando, FL 32801
Description:Review implementation of Orange County's sustainability efforts.
Contact:Whitney Marshall
Planning Council Support Manager
Location:Heart of Florida United Way
1940 Cannery Way
Orlando, FL 32804
You may also access this meeting virtually by:
Meeting link: https://hfuw.webex.com/hfuw/j.php?MTID=mdd8274d6e7e7fc8cb17eeede2b1d79d5
Meeting Number/Access Code: 2536 101 7061 Meeting Password: RW2022
Join by phone +1-650-479-3208 United States Tol
Description:Monthly standing committee meeting of the Central Florida HIV Planning Council.
Contact:Justin Felton, (407) 836-7350
Location:Commission Chambers, 1st Floor, County Administration Building, 201 S. Rosalind Avenue, Orlando, FL
Description:District 5 Commissioner Emily Bonilla, District 3 Commissioner Mayra Uribe, and District 4 Commissioner Maribel Gomez Cordero will meet on Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers, 1st Floor, County Administration Building, 201 S. Rosalind Avenue, Orlando, Florida to discuss Vision 2050 Workgroup.
Contact:Kevin Camm, County Extension Director
Location:Orange County Cooperative Extension
(UF/IFAS Extension Orange County)
6021 S. Conway Rd.
Orlando, FL 32812
Description:To assist in the review and analysis of Orange County rules, regulations and ordinances affecting the agricultural industry.
Contact:Frantz Dutes, Interim Executive Director
(407) 894-0014
Location:Orange County Administrative Building
1st Floor, Commissioners' Chamber
201 S Rosalind Avenue
Orlando, FL 32801
Description:Regular monthly meeting.
Contact:Jennifer Jensen
Location:Orange County Health Services
2002A E. Michigan Street
Orlando, FL 32806
Conf Room B
Contact:Tammi Chami 407-836-8016
Location:Orange County Public Works
4200 South John Young Parkway
Orlando, FL 32839-9205
Description:Roadway agreements are an important part of the development process and allow property owners to earn road impact fee credits by making improvements to clogged roads or dedicating right-of-way to expand the road network. Developers gain by channeling their improvements near their project, and citizens affected by a development project receive better roads. RAC Home Page: https://www.ocfl.net/TrafficTransportation/RoadwayAgreements.aspx
Contact:Frantz Dutes, Interim Executive Director
(407) 894-0014
Location:Orange County Administrative Building
1st Floor, Commissioners' Chamber
201 S Rosalind Avenue
Orlando, FL 32801
Description:OCHFA - Joint/ Ad Hoc Meeting
Location:Internal Operations Centre II
400 East South Street
2nd Floor Procurement Division Lobby
Description:This is a public bid opening of IFBs and RFPs; this opening may include construction bids.
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