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Contact:Rachel Scott, Executive Assistant
Visit Orlando
6277 Sea Harbor Drive, Suite 400
Orlando, Florida 32821-8043
Telephone: (407) 354-5598
Email: sportsincentivecommittee@gmail.com
Location:Orange County Administration Building
201 S. Rosalind Avenue, 1st Floor, BCC Chamber
Orlando, Florida 32801
Description:The purpose of this meeting is for the committee to review applications for sports incentive funds authorized under the Tourist Development Plan and submit recommendations to the Board for final determination on funding requests.
Contact:Sierra Snow
Location:Microsoft Teams Meeting:
Meeting ID: 232 333 465 175
Passcode: 3qrYqM
Or call in (audio only)
+1 689-206-9279,,189194031# United States, Orlando
Phone Conference ID: 189 194 031#
Description:The Implementation Team of high level stakeholders will strategically plan for the implementation of the short, mid and long term recommendations of the Orange County Mental and Behavioral Health System of Care Community Analysis. The Affordable Housing Subcommittee will strategically plan for the implementation of the long term recommendations regarding key focus area 3: affordable housing and services for homeless individuals and families.
Contact:Agenda Development Office, (407) 836-5426
Location:Commission Chambers, First Floor, County Administration Center, 201 S. Rosalind Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801
Contact:Nicole Brown, Nicole.Brown@ocfl.net 407-836-7446
Location:Holden Heights Community Center
1201 20th Street, Orlando, FL 32805
Description:To discuss Commission on Aging projects
Contact:Marissa Drake
Location:Edgewood City Hall
405 Larue Ave
Edgewood, FL 32809
Description:Special Meeting:
Meeting to discuss high water elevation and drainage concerns on Lake Mary Jess
Contact:Terry Olson, 407-836-5540
Location:Marco Training Room, 450 E. South Street, Orlando, FL 32801
Description:Discuss Cultural Tourism and Cultural Facilities grant program guidelines.
Location:Internal Operations Centre II
400 East South Street
2nd Floor, Procurement Division Lobby
Description:This is a public bid opening of IFBs and RFPs; this opening may include construction bids.
Contact:Erica Bereczki
Human Resources Division, Benefits Team
Location:Executive Conference Room, Fifth Floor
201 S Rosalind Ave, Orlando FL 32801
Description:Employee Benefits for Orange County Employees
Contact:Elia Batista
Location:Facilities Management Training Room
2010 E. Michigan Street Orlando, Florida 32806
and Webex Events
Description:Shortlist Firms for RFP Y23-804-EB Design
Services for Fire Station #3 Replacement - Grant
Contact:Tammi Chami 407-836-8016
Location:4200 South John Young Parkway
Orlando, FL 32839-9205
Description:Roadway agreements are an important part of the development process and allow property owners to earn road impact fee credits by making improvements to clogged roads or dedicating right-of-way to expand the road network. Developers gain by channeling their improvements near their project, and citizens affected by a development project receive better roads. RAC Home Page: https://www.ocfl.net/TrafficTransportation/RoadwayAgreements.aspx
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