Community Development

Programs to create viable communities


Substantial Amendment to the FY 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan
Emergency Solutions Grant – Rapid Unsheltered Survivor
Housing (ESG-RUSH)

On January 10, 2025, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) made a special allocation of $512,694 in Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds to Orange County, FL to address the needs of homeless individuals and families, or individuals and families at risk of homelessness in areas affected by major disasters declared pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act. These funds must benefit people whose needs are not otherwise served or met by existing Federal disaster relief programs, including the Transitional Sheltering Assistance (TSA) program under such Act.

Additional information, to include eligibility requirements and the proposed use of funds, can be found HERE. Any comments on the proposed amendment should be submitted in writing, via email, to Janna Souvorova, Chief Planner, at

A summary of ESG-RUSH related changes to FY 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan that covers federal funding for housing and community development programs can be accessed HERE.

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program

The CDBG Program is an entitlement grant provided by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The primary purpose of the CDBG program is to develop viable urban communities and provide services to principally low income citizens and their neighborhoods.

Orange County's CDGB Program accomplishes these goals by conducting eligible activities such as capital improvements, affordable housing development, and public services.

Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME)

The HOME Program is an entitlement grant provided by HUD to implement local housing strategies to increase affordable housing opportunities. The goal of the HOME Program is the preservation, expansion and long-term affordability of housing stock. Through this program, Orange County is able to implement activities such as rental housing rehabilitation, Tenant Based Rental Assistance and rental housing activities undertaken by Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs).

Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)

The ESG program is authorized under the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Act of 2009. HUD makes this program available to local governments for the rehabilitation of homeless shelters, and for payment of certain operating and social service expenses in connection with homeless shelters. In addition homeless prevention and rapid-re-housing programs for persons at risk of homelessness are also eligible for funding.

Contact Us

Housing and Community Development Division
525 E. South Street
Orlando, FL 32801

Phone: (407) 836-5150

All e-mail sent to this address becomes part of Orange County public record. Comments received by our e-mail subsystem can be read by anyone who requests that privilege. In compliance with "Government in the Sunshine" laws, Orange County Government must make available, at request, any and all information not deemed a threat to the security of law enforcement agencies and personnel.