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Residential Building

Alterations, Renovations and Repairs Permitting Information

Orange County Government


This page explains the basic requirements for submitting a permit application for residential alterations, renovations and repairs. This page provides links to guides and other resources to assist customers with the online permitting process.

Page Contents

How to Apply

Please submit all required plans and documentation as part of your permit application using Orange County’s Fast Track Online Services permitting portal. Before you get started, please refer to the One-Stop Permitting Guide for information about the application process, review the Residential Plan Review Checklist and visit the Fast Track Training Hub and download the User Guide.

Fast Track Online Permitting Services

Residential Alterations, Renovations and Repairs


ALTERATION, as defined by the Residential Florida Building Code, is any construction, retrofit or renovation to an existing structure other than repair or addition that requires a permit. Also, a change in a building, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system that involves an extension, addition or change to the arrangement, type or purpose of the original installation that requires a permit.

REPAIR, as defined by the Florida Building Code, the reconstruction or renewal of any part of an existing building for the purpose of its maintenance or to correct damage.

  1. A detailed scope of work, clearly identifying the work to be performed. 
  2. Construction plans are required in most cases. However, construction plans are only required to be signed and sealed by a Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Registered Architect when repairs are made to components which may affect the structural stability of a building or structure.
  3. When applicable the following may be required:
    1.  Site plan or Survey showing the location of the proposed structure. For questions on the requirements for a site plan/plot plan/survey, contact zoning at or call 407-836-3111. 
    2. Lot Grading/Drainage Plan and finished floor elevation. 
    3. Construction Plans prepared by an Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Registered Architect in accordance with the most current Residential Florida Building Code. 
      1. All documents shall be properly signed, dated and sealed for the required method of submittal. 
      2. Existing Floor Plan of the adjacent rooms and Proposed Floor Plan, with all room uses labeled, must be included as part of the plan set. Identify the existing and proposed means of egress required from any adjacent sleeping room. Egress openings must be labeled "Egress" on the floor plan.
    4. Construction Documents 
    5. Energy Calculations, ACCA manuals J, S, D and Energy Performance Level (EPL) display card are required when installing HVAC equipment. 
      1. When installing or modifying ductwork, a mechanical duct layout is required. 
    6. Truss engineering prepared by a Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Registered Architect are required and must be submitted as part of the initial plan review. 
      1. All documents shall be properly signed, dated and sealed for the required method of submittal. 
      2. A truss layout provided by the truss manufacturer is required to be submitted. This layout is not required to be signed and sealed but must match the roof framing plans provided by the design professional of record.
    7. A Completed Orange County Product Approval Specification Sheet. 
      1. Note: Approved installation details and screen shots for all products listed below are NO LONGER required to be submitted for plan review. However, you are required to have the approved installation details on the jobsite for inspection. Failure to do so will result in a failed inspection. If the applicant chooses to submit the installation details and instructions with the screen prints, the documents will be stamped as a part of your approved plan set reducing the risk of a failed inspection for not having the required documents available onsite for inspection. 
  1. A detailed scope of work, clearly identifying the work to be performed. 
  2. Construction plans are required in most cases. However, construction plans are only required to be signed and sealed by a Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Registered Architect when repairs are made to components which may affect the structural stability of a building or structure.
      1. When applicable, all documents shall be properly signed, dated and sealed for the required method of submittal. 
      2.  Construction Documents
  3. When applicable the following may be required:
    1.  Site plan or Survey showing the location of the proposed structure. For questions on the requirements for a site plan/plot plan/survey, contact zoning at or call 407-836-3111. 
    2. Lot Grading/Drainage Plan and finished floor elevation. 
    3. Energy Calculations, ACCA manuals J, S, D and Energy Performance Level (EPL) display card are required when installing HVAC equipment. 
      1. When installing or modifying ductwork, a mechanical duct layout is required. 
    4. Truss engineering prepared by a Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Registered Architect are required and must be submitted as part of the initial plan review. 
      1. All documents shall be properly signed, dated and sealed for the required method of submittal 
      2. A truss layout provided by the truss manufacturer is required to be submitted. This layout is not required to be signed and sealed but must match the roof framing plans provided by the design professional of record.
    5. A Completed Orange County Product Approval Specification Sheet. 
      1. Note: Approved installation details and screen shots for all products listed below are NO LONGER required to be submitted for plan review. However, you are required to have the approved installation details on the jobsite for inspection. Failure to do so will result in a failed inspection. If the applicant chooses to submit the installation details and instructions with the screen prints, the documents will be stamped as a part of your approved plan set reducing the risk of a failed inspection for not having the required documents available onsite for inspection. 


Inspection Requirements

Inspections are required for all permits. For additional information, refer to the inspection record provided upon permit issuance for a list of inspection types that may be required for your project.  For additional questions, please contact 407-836-5550 and request to speak to a Building Inspections Team Member. Use Fast Track to schedule and manage inspections online. To learn more, please visit the Fast Track Video Resources

A passed "290 Final Inspection" is required in order for the permit status to change to complete. Failure to schedule and pass a Final Inspection within the allowed time will result in the permit Expiring. Additional expense to reinstate/replace the permit and possibly updated plans and documentation may be required. 

Permit Issuance

A licensed contractor will be required to accept permit issuance. An owner-builder may act as Contractor under Exemption to F.S. 489.103(7)(a).

Contact Us

Division of Building Safety
Phone: (407) 836-5550