The International Drive Pedestrian Overpass Intersection Analysis and Overpass Conceptual Design Study (Study) is being undertaken to create an iconic feature that enhances pedestrian and bicycle safety at the busy intersection of International Drive and Sand Lake Road. The study will propose appropriate end treatments/approaches transversely across the intersection.
Conceptual design alternatives that serve as a functional pedestrian/bicycle crossing and an aesthetic gateway to the International Drive District will be considered. The Study will evaluate and recommend measures to preserve existing street-level crosswalks, drainage, lighting, signage, signalization, and major utility relocation improvements that will address the existing and future demands of all modes of transportation.
This aesthetic gateway design will contemplate other special treatments to draw motorists’ awareness to the architectural significance of the I-4 and Sand Lake Road Interchange improvements. The Study will recommend features that establish a relationship with the iconic features planned for the interchange.
New Pedestrian Overpass serving the four corners of the International Drive and Sand Lake Road intersection.
Presentation of the results of the conceptual analysis to the BCC is anticipated in Spring 2025.
The County conducted two community meetings, a local planning agency (LPA) hearing, and a BCC hearing for the study. Additionally, the County conducted four Project Advisory Group meetings.
At the first meeting, the County presented and received comments on a range of improvement options that could be applied to the intersection. The second meeting presented the study recommendation of the preferred alternative to the public for review and comment prior to the presentation to the local planning agency and Board of County Commissioners.
The BCC hearing is anticipated to be conducted in the spring of 2025. At the hearing, the County staff will present the study's final recommendations for consideration and approval by the County. Each community meeting and hearing will be advertised at least two (2) weeks before each date through the study newsletter (mailings and emails), newspaper advertisements (Orlando Sentinel and El Sentinel), study website and County press releases.
Blanche Hardy, P.G., ARM LEED Green Associate Transportation Planning Division – Studies Section Lead Orange County Public Works Department 4200 S. John Young Parkway Orlando FL 32839 Email: Phone: 407-836-0257 Fax: 407-836-8079
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