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Charter Review Commission Meeting


Wednesday, 05/08/2024, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Contact: CRC Support Staff
Location: Orange County Administration Center Building
201 S. Rosalind Avenue, County Commission Chambers
Orlando, FL 32801
Category: Charter Review Commission
Districts: 1,2,3,4,5,6

The Charter Review Commission convenes every four years to review the Charter, the County government's constitution. Citizens are highly encouraged to attend the meeting and address the Commission during public comment. At this meeting, public hearings / votes will be held on the following items: A) Sustainable Growth & Charter Clean Up Committee - Rural Boundary (First of Two Public Hearings / Votes); B) Sustainable Growth & Charter Clean Up Committee - Consideration of the proposed amendment concerning a supermajority County Commission vote to dispose of or change use of "County Protected Lands" (First of Two Public Hearings / Votes); C) Sustainable Growth & Charter Clean Up Committee - Requiring Adoption of a Fiscal Sustainability Analysis Tool (First of Two Public Hearings / Votes); D) Sustainable Growth & Charter Clean Up Committee - Consideration of the proposed amendment requiring the continued existence of an Affordable Housing Trust Fund (Second of Two Public Hearings / Votes); E) Governmental Structure Committee - Consideration of the proposed amendment concerning the write-in candidate effect on timing of Charter officer elections (Second of Two Public Hearings / Votes); F) Transportation Committee - Consideration of the proposed amendment creating the Transportation Mobility Advisory Commission (Cancelled - Moved to May 20, 2024 CRC Meeting)

This group meets again on:
-  05/20/2024 06:00 PM
(Location, time & other meeting details may vary)