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The 2019 State of the County Address is Hosted by Central Florida Hotel & Lodging Association (CFHLA), Presenting Sponsor Orlando Health, and Audio Visual Sponsor LMG. Additional sponsors include Florida Blue, Nemours Children's Health System, United Way, Tavistock, CareerSource Central Florida, the University of Central Florida, Disney, Universal Orlando Resort, SeaWorld, I-Drive Business Improvement District, I-Drive Chamber of Commerce, Ripley's Believe it or Not!, Spectrum Enterprise, Etech Events, OUC, Duke Energy, Welbro, CP Rankin, Premier Elevator Co., Inc., and Clean Tec Services.

2019 State of the County


may 16, 2019
networking: 8 a.m.
address: 9 a.m.


orange county
convention center
west concourse
linda chapin theater


view the invitation


orange county mayor jerry l. demings delivered his 2019 state of the county address on thursday, may 16, at 9 a.m. the annual address highlighted the outstanding accomplishments of orange county government and its community partners over the past year, as well as looked towards the future as the community reaches milestones to build a community that works for everyone.

watch the address